Vineyard Design & Permitting

Vineyard Design & Permitting

Vineyard development generally requires a permit from local, state, and/or federal regulatory agencies. Part of the permit application process requires the submittal of engineered plans for the proposed vineyard. Engineered plans address such issues as surface runoff and soil loss associated with vineyard development. Plans typically include such items as proposed vine row directions, specified cover crop within the vineyard, and inlets, pipes, and outlet structures for runoff conveyance. Whether you're an established winery or a family-owned vineyard that is just starting out, MC Civil Engineering can help you acquire any necessary permits and realize your vineyard development goals.

Vineyard Design & Permitting Benefits

Timely and cost-effective vineyard design, including plans and technical specifications.

Coordination with necessary sub-consultants for any required supplemental special studies.

Responsive liaison between our clients and relevant local, state, and federal regulatory agencies.

How it Works

Initial meeting with the client at the proposed vineyard development site to determine the client's goals and the project's overall scope.

Topographic survey of the site and coordination with necessary sub-consultants to begin any required special studies (archeological, biological, water availability, etc.).

Delineation and vineyard design within optimal space based on the site survey and special studies.

Application submittal (engineering plans, technical specifications, special studies, etc.) to the regulatory agency for review, revision, and/or approval.

Vineyard construction begins following regulatory agency permit approval.

Napa County Track I Erosion Control Plans

Napa County requires an approved Track I Erosion Control Plan (ECP) to develop most new vineyards (some exceptions apply). ECP approval is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Consequently, additional special studies (archeological, biological, water availability, etc.) are required to supplement the overall ECP design. MC Civil Engineering designs site-specific Track I ECPs and coordinates with necessary subcontractors to complete the required supplemental special studies. We then liaison between our clients and the regulatory agencies to ensure a smooth and timely permit approval.

Sonoma County Vineyard and Orchard Site Development (VESCO) Permit

The Sonoma County Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures administers vineyard development plan review and approval via the VESCO (Vineyard Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance) permit process. A project may be classified as a Level I VESCO or Level II VESCO based on the site's existing topography and soils. Depending on the project classification, the VESCO may need to include engineered erosion control plans, grading plans, and/or a drainage report. Additionally, biological assessments and geotechnical reports may be required. MC Civil Engineering prepares the necessary plans and reports to help our clients navigate the VESCO process and obtain permit approval.

Feasibility Studies

MC Civil Engineering can provide an initial analysis of potential vineyard areas based on the existing topography and relevant setback/avoidance constraints at the site. Once a possible site has been identified, the overall engineering scope (grading, drainage, and erosion control) and the need for special supplemental studies can be further analyzed and discussed. Whether you're trying to determine the cost-effectiveness of developing a new vineyard or are in the due diligence phase of a potential investment property, we work with you to provide a thorough feasibility analysis.

Slope Analysis

The existing topography of a site constrains vineyard development. The vineyard cannot be permitted on specific excessive slopes, and the slopes along streams can dictate the required setback distance. Existing slopes at a site can also dictate what type of permit is needed for vineyard development and how involved the permit process will be. MC Civil Engineering can provide site-specific slope analysis as a precursor to vineyard design and development.

Vineyard Layout & Mapping

Once a vintner has determined an optimal vine row orientation and spacing, MC Civil Engineering can provide the necessary survey work for vineyard layout. Whether you need a layout grid from which you can pull chains or just the proposed anchor post locations, we work with you to establish the necessary vineyard layout. After the vines have been planted, we can provide mapping services for the vineyard blocks to delineate the footprint and net acreage of planted vines.

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